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SLEEPING WITH THE DEVIL(ISBN=9781400052684) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781400052684
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2004-05
  • 页数:238
  • 价格:42.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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“Saudi Arabia is more and more an irrational state—a place that

spawns global terrorism even as it succumbs to an ancient and

deeply seated isolationism, a kingdom led by a royal family that

can’t get out of the way of its own greed. Is this the fulcrum we

want the global economy to balance on?”

In his explosive New York Times bestseller, See No Evil,

former CIA operative Robert Baer exposed how Washington politics

drastically compromised the CIA’s efforts to fight global

terrorism. Now in his powerful new book, Sleeping with the Devil,

Baer turns his attention to Saudi Arabia, revealing how our

government’s cynical relationship with our Middle Eastern ally and

America’ s dependence on Saudi oil make us increasingly vulnerable

to economic disaster and put us at risk for further acts of


For decades, the United States and Saudi Arabia have been locked in

a “harmony of interests.” America counted on the Saudis for cheap

oil, political stability in the Middle East, and lucrative business

relationships for the United States, while providing a voracious

market for the kingdom’ s vast oil reserves. With money and oil

flowing freely between Washington and Riyadh, the United States has

felt secure in its relationship with the Saudis and the ruling Al

Sa’ud family. But the rot at the core of our “friendship” with the

Saudis was dramatically revealed when it became apparent that

fifteen of the nineteen September 11 hijackers proved to be Saudi


In Sleeping with the Devil, Baer documents with chilling

clarity how our addiction to cheap oil and Saudi petrodollars

caused us to turn a blind eye to the Al Sa’ud’s culture of bribery,

its abysmal human rights record, and its financial support of

fundamentalist Islamic groups that have been directly linked to

international acts of terror, including those against the United

States. Drawing on his experience as a field operative who was on

the ground in the Middle East for much of his twenty years with the

agency, as well as the large network of sources he has cultivated

in the region and in the U.S. intelligence community, Baer vividly

portrays our decades-old relationship with the increasingly

dysfunctional and corrupt Al Sa’ud family, the fierce anti-Western

sentiment that is sweeping the kingdom, and the desperate link

between the two. In hopes of saving its own neck, the royal family

has been shoveling money as fast as it can to mosque schools that

preach hatred of America and to militant fundamentalist groups—an

end game just waiting to play out.

Baer not only reveals the outrageous excesses of a Saudi royal

family completely out of touch with the people of its kingdom, he

also takes readers on a highly personal search for the deeper roots

of modern terrorism, a journey that returns time again and again to

Saudi Arabia: to the Wahhabis, the powerful Islamic sect that rules

the Saudi street; to the Taliban and al Qaeda, both of which Saudi

Arabia helped to underwrite; and to the Muslim Brotherhood, one of

the most active and effective terrorist groups in existence, which

the Al Sa’ud have sheltered and funded. The money and arms that we

send to Saudi Arabia are, in effect, being used to cut our own

throat, Baer writes, but America might have only itself to blame.

So long as we continue to encourage the highly volatile Saudi state

to bank our oil under its sand—and so long as we continue to grab

at the Al Sa’ud’s money—we are laying the groundwork for a

potential global economic catastrophe.

From the Hardcover edition.




  ROBERT BAER was a case officer in the Directorate of

Operations for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1976 to 1997.

His overseas assignments included stints in locations such as

Northern Iraq, Dushanbe, Rabat, Paris, Beirut, Khartoum, New Delhi,

and elsewhere, handling agents that infiltrated Hizballah, PFLP-GC,

PSF, Libyan intelligence, Fatah-Hawari, and al Qaeda. Fluent in

Arabic, Farsi, French, and German, he divides his time between

Washington, D.C., and France.

  From the Hardcover edition.










美国与伊斯兰世界间互不信任、渐行渐远成为国际关系的重要特点。导致双方关系紧 张的原因很多。“文明冲突”的因素的确存在,但主要应归因于美国的相关政策。冷战 结束以来,意识形态斗争并未完全被“文明的冲突”所取代,价值观的对立与“碰撞” 凸显。不同价值观并非水火不容,关键是避免将自己的价值观强加于人。现在还不能说 不同文明之间已经全面发生冲突,但是迫切需要进行文明间的对话。

美国与中东国家关系究竟如何发展,在很大程度上仍取决于美国对中东的政策。如果 美国不调整对巴以冲突的政策,继续偏袒以色列;如果美国继续通过“制裁”等手段对 伊朗、叙利亚、苏丹等被认为具有反美倾向的国家施加压力,进行遏制,甚至进行“先 发制人”的战争;如果美国军队继续驻在阿富汗、伊拉克不走,将军事占领长期化,扶 持过于亲美的政权;如果美国继续向埃及、沙特等在伊斯兰世界极有影响的国家输出意 识形态和社会制度,那么,美国同中东国家、甚至同整个伊斯兰世界的关系则很难有较 大的改善。因为这看起来直接涉及的只是一个个中东国家,但是,其中的任何一项都会 牵动整个中东,乃至整个伊斯兰世界。


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