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Elegant equestrians in impeccable attire; glorious hunt balls
held in museums; a procession of regal foxhunting paintings in a
home fit for a polo king and his brood—the world of horses is full
of imagery. Extending far beyond the stable, the racetrack, and the
polo field, our love of all things equine appears everywhere from
our closets to our dining rooms.
Now journalist and horse-world fixture Vicky Moon captures the
equestrian way of life with an unprecedented peek into dozens of
stunning residences. You’ll visit a French-accented mansion
decorated with contemporary horse art; an equestrian resort on 395
acres, complete with cottages for rent and a large private
collection of carriages; a spa with a swimming pool for horses; and
a working barn that Kathryn Ireland decorated to do double duty as
a home for a professional horseman, riding instructor, and model
whose students included Jackie Kennedy Onassis.
Horse enthusiasts will be delighted to find familiar names and
faces of the horse world gracing these luxurious pages, from art
masters of the past such as painter George Stubbs and sculptor
Herbert Haseltine to today’s most popular artists, including Liza
Todd Tivey and Beverly Zimmer. Equestrian devotees, such as the
up-and-coming star Mayan Lopez, show jumper Georgina Bloomberg, and
the late Allaire du Pont, are profiled with their beloved horses
and the collections and fashions that reflect their passions. With
beautiful photographs, richly detailed stories, and practical
advice, Equestrian Style is certain to inspire horse lovers
everywhere to bring a stylish bit of the stable into their
In this luxurious tour through stylish equestrian-themed
interiors, Vicky Moon captures the rich details—from the coveted to
the quirky—of the art, architecture, clothing, and people inspired
by the classic horse motif.
Equestrian style begins with a basic love of horses. It is more
than a feisty, wet Jack Russell terrier, a pair of Wellington
boots, and a tweed jacket. It goes beyond hanging a hunting print
on the dining room wall to actually leaping over stone walls on
your favorite hunter. An unspoken equestrian philosophy surpasses
wearing an Hermès scarf; it celebrates riding over jumps in an
Hermès saddle. Equestrian style reaches its apex among people ?who
not only love horses, but also practically live with them. It is an
enduring tradition.
A journalist for more than twenty years, VICKY MOON has
written about Middleburg, Virginia’s hunt balls, steeplechase
races, and parties for Town & Country, Millionaire, Veranda,
Southern Accents, and House & Garden. She writes a monthly
column for Washington Life magazine and is the author of
five books, including The Private Passion of Jackie Kennedy
Onassis: Portrait of a Rider and A Sunday Horse: A Year on
the Grand Prix Jumping Circuit. She lives in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, and Middleburg, with her husband, sportswriter Leonard
Shapiro, and their son.
Elegant equestrians in impeccable attire; glorious hunt balls held in museums; a procession of regal foxhunting paintings in a home fit for a polo king and his brood—the world of horses is full of imagery. Extending far beyond the stable, the racetrack, and the polo field, our love of all things equine appears everywhere from our closets to our dining rooms.
Now journalist and horse-world fixture Vicky Moon captures the equestrian way of life with an unprecedented peek into dozens of stunning residences. You’ll visit a French-accented mansion decorated with contemporary horse art; an equestrian resort on 395 acres, complete with cottages for rent and a large private collection of carriages; a spa with a swimming pool for horses; and a working barn that Kathryn Ireland decorated to do double duty as a home for a professional horseman, riding instructor, and model whose students included Jackie Kennedy Onassis.
Horse enthusiasts will be delighted to find familiar names and faces of the horse world gracing these luxurious pages, from art masters of the past such as painter George Stubbs and sculptor Herbert Haseltine to today’s most popular artists, including Liza Todd Tivey and Beverly Zimmer. Equestrian devotees, such as the up-and-coming star Mayan Lopez, show jumper Georgina Bloomberg, and the late Allaire du Pont, are profiled with their beloved horses and the collections and fashions that reflect their passions. With beautiful photographs, richly detailed stories, and practical advice, Equestrian Style is certain to inspire horse lovers everywhere to bring a stylish bit of the stable into their homes.
In this luxurious tour through stylish equestrian-themed interiors, Vicky Moon captures the rich details—from the coveted to the quirky—of the art, architecture, clothing, and people inspired by the classic horse motif.
Equestrian style begins with a basic love of horses. It is more than a feisty, wet Jack Russell terrier, a pair of Wellington boots, and a tweed jacket. It goes beyond hanging a hunting print on the dining room wall to actually leaping over stone walls on your favorite hunter. An unspoken equestrian philosophy surpasses wearing an Hermès scarf; it celebrates riding over jumps in an Hermès saddle. Equestrian style reaches its apex among people who not only love horses, but also practically live with them. It is an enduring tradition.
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- 无广告(667+)
- 体验差(398+)
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