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1 Research Objects,Tasks and Historical Development of Tourism Earth—science
1.1 Research Objects of Tourism Earth—science
1.1.1 Definition of Tourism Earth—science
1.1.2 Definition of Tourism Geology
1.1.3 Definition of Tourism Geography
1.2 Research Tasks of Tourism Earth—science
1.2.1 Survey and Evaluation of Tourism Resources
1.2.2 Selection, Layout, Planning and Construction of Tourist Areas (Spots)
1.2.3 Rules of Geographic Distribution and Spatial Movement of Travellers
1.2.4 Impacts of Tourism Development on Regional Economic Complexes
1.2.5 Tourism Zoning
1.2.6 Tourist Transportation and Other Relevant Means
1.2.7 Tourism Resources and Environmental Protection
1.2.8 Basic Theories and Methods of Tourism Earth—science
1.3 Historical Development of Research on Tourism Earth—science
1.3.1 Research History of Tourism Earth—Science Abroad
1.3.2 China's Research History of Tourism Earth—science
2 Role of Tourism Earth—science in Tourism Development
2.1 Tourism Earth—science and Tourism System
2.1.1 Tourism System
2.1.2 Earthscientific Background of Tourism System
2.2 Effects of Tourism Earth—science in Tourism Development
2.2.1 Survey and Evaluation of Tourism Resources
2.2.2 Discovery and Selection of Scenic Development Zones
2.2.3 Precise and Rough Measurements of the Area and Quantity of Elements of Natural and Cultural Landscapes in Scenic Areas
2.2.4 Positioning, Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Intrinsic Attributes of Tourism Resources
2.2.5 Supervision and Protection of Tourism Resources and Their Ecological Environments
2.2.6 Preparation of Tourism Development Plans
3 Basic Formation Conditions of Natural Tourism Resources
3.1 Significance of Research on Formation Conditions of Natural Tourism Resources
3.1.1 Research Contents of Formation Conditions
3.1.2 Significance of Research on Formation Conditions
3.2 Basic Formation Conditions of Natural Tourism Resources
3.2.1 Spheres of the Earth and Natural Tourism Resources
3.2.2 Regional Integrated Natural Geographical Environments (Kalesnik 1947)
3.2.3 Geological Structures and Crustal Structures (Geography Department of Nanjing University 1963
3.2.4 Strata and Rocks (Zhengzhou Geology University 1979)
3.2.5 Geological Dynamic Process
3.2.6 Land Hydrological Characteristics and Ocean
3.2.7 Latitudinal Zonation and Regional Factors of Climate
3.2.8 Biogeographical Characteristics
3.3 Classification of Causes of Formation of Natural Tourism Resources
3.3.1 Brief Introduction to Classification Schemes of Natural Tourism Resources
3.3.2 Classification of Causes of Formation of Natural Tourism Resources
3.4 Tourism Resources of Lithosphere
3.4.1 Concept of Tourism Resources of Lithosphere
3.4.2 Geological Tourism Resources
3.4.3 Geomorphic Tourism Resources
3.4.4 Cave Tourism Resources
3.5 Tourism Resources of Hydrosphere
3.5.1 Concept of Tourism Resources of Hydrosphere (Wang 1985)
3.5.2 Marine Tourism Resources
3.5.3 River Tourism Resources
3.5.4 Lake Tourism Resources
3.5.5 Glacier Tourism Resources
3.5.6 Groundwater Tourism Resources
3.6 Tourism Resources of Biosphere
3.6.1 Concept of Tourism Resources of Biosphere
3.6.2 Botanical Tourism Resources
3.6.3 Zoological Tourism Resources
3.7 Tourism Resources of Atmosphere
3.7.1 Concept of Tourism Resources of Atmosphere
3.7.2 Meteorological Tourism Resources
3.7.3 Climatological Tourism Resources
3.7.4 Clean Air Tourism Resources
3.8 Universe Tourism Resources
3.8.1 Concept of Universe Tourism Resources
3.8.2 Outer Space Tourism Resources
3.8.3 Star Tourism Resources
3.8.4 Astronomical Observation Tourism Resources
3.8.5 Meteorite Tourism Resources
4 Earthscientific Formation Conditions of Cultural Tourism Resources
4.1 Earthscientific Characteristics of Historical and Cultural Tourism Resources
4.1.1 Locality of Historical Cultures
4.1.2 Earthscientific Characteristics of Cultural Sites of the Stone Age
4.1.3 Earthscientific Characteristics of Cultures in China's History
4.2 Earthscientific Characteristics of Ancient Architectures and Projects
4.2.1 Wood and Stone Architectures
4.2.2 Garden Architectures
4.2.3 Ancient Mausoleums
4.2.4 Ancient Architectural Works
4.3 Earthscientific Characteristics of Religious Culture Landscapes
4.3.1 Regional Features of Distribution of Religions
4.3.2 Regional Features of Religious Activities
4.3.3 Regional Features of Religious Cultures
4.4 Earthscientific Characteristics of Ethnic Customs
4.4.1 Analysis of Earthscientific Factors of Ethnic Customs as Tourism Resources
4.4.2 Earthscientific Characteristics of Civilian Houses
4.4.3 Earthscientific Characteristics of Other Ethnic Customs
5 Earthscientific Characteristics of Tourism Resources
5.1 Research Value of Earthscientific Characteristics of Tourism Resources
5.2 General Earthscientific Characteristics of Tourism Resources
5.2.1 Regional Differentiation Characteristic
5.2.2 Scenic Combination Characteristic
5.2.3 Similar Appearance Characteristic
5.2.4 Potential Resource Characteristic
5.2.5 Seasonal Variation Characteristic
5.2.6 Resource Nature Variation Characteristic
5.3 Independent Earthscientific Characteristics of Natural Tourism Resources
5.3.1 Immovability
5.3.2 Periodical Variation Characteristic
5.3.3 Random Variation
5.4 Independent Earthscientific Characteristics of Cultural Tourism Resources
5.4.1 Movability
5.4.2 Antiquity
5.4.3 Spiritual Culture Characteristic
5.4.4 Continuity
5.4.5 Times Characteristic
5.5 Earthscientific Characteristics of China's Tourism Resources
5.5.1 Regional Distribution of Mixed Banded and Blocky Tourism Resources Which Are Sparse in the West but Dense in the East
5.5.2 Scenic Combination of Natural and Cultural Tourism Resources
5.5.3 Long—Distance Combination and Feeling and Scenery Blended Group Combination Characteristics of Famous Mountains and Gardens
5.5.4 Characteristic of Gathering of Numerous World Wonderful Tourism Resources
5.5.5 Characteristic of Significant but Adjustable Seasonal Variations
6 Principles of Aesthetic Appreciation of Sceneries
6.1 Definition of Scenic Beauty and Course of Aesthetic Appreciation of Sceneries
6.1.1 Aesthetic Appreciation Generated from Nature Worship (Xie 1987)
6.1.2 Formation of Aesthetic Appreciation of Sceneries
6.1.3 Development of Aesthetic Appreciation of Sceneries
6.1.4 Deepening of Aesthetic Appreciation of Sceneries
6.2 Characteristics and Structures of Natural Beauty of Sceneries
6.2.1 Characteristics of Natural Beauty of Sceneries
6.2.2 Structure of Natural Beauty of Sceneries
6.3 Cultural Landscapes Blended into Natural Landscapes
6.3.1 Cultural Landscapes Compatible with Natural Landscapes
6.3.2 Myths, Legends and Local Customs Adding Extraordinary Splendour to Sceneries
7 Survey and Evaluation of Tourism Resources
8 Tourism Development Planning
9 Protection of Tourism Resources and Tourism Environments
10 Geoparks
11 Prospects for Tourism Earth—science and Geotourism
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