自然约束语言(英文版) pdf 下载 txt 阿里云 lit rtf azw3 免费

The NCL Natural Constraint Language presents the NCL Language which is a de*ion language in conventional mathematical logic for modeling and solving constraint satisfaction problems.NCL differs from other declarative languages:It models problems naturally in a simplified form of first-order logic with quantifiers,Boolean logic,numeric constraints,set operations and logical functions;it solves problems by mixed set programming over the mixed domain of real numbers,integers,Booleans,dates/times,references,and in particular sets.The book uses plenty of examples and tutorials to illustrate NCL and its applications.It is intended for researchers and developers in the fields of logic programming,constraint programming,optimization,modeling,operations research and artificial intelligence,who will learn from a new programming language and theoretical foundations for industrial applications.
Dr.Jianyang Zhou is the inventor of NCL and has worked for its industrialization for more than 10 years.
1 Introduction
1.1 Modeling and Solving
1.1.1 Programming Framework and Algorithm
1.1.2 Formal Grammar and Parser
1.2 The NCL Language
1.2.1 Natural Modeling in Mathematical Logic
1.2.2 Cooperative Solving
1.2.3 Comparison with Some Other Systems
1.3 The POEM Platform
1.3.1 Development Toolkit
1.3.2 Component and Server
2 Data Types and Lexical Conventions
2.1 Data Types
2.1.1 Generality
2.1.2 Set
2.1.3 Date/Time
2.1.4 Numeric
2.2 Lexical Tokens
2.2.1 Characters
2.2.2 Identifiers
2.2.3 Predefined Identifiers
2.2.4 Constants
2.2.5 Non-Instantiated Values
2.3 Mathematical Notations
2.3.1 Mathematical Symbols
2.3.2 Predefined Functions
2.3.3 Delimiters of TeX
3 Grammar and Semantics
3.1 Context-Free Rules
3.1.1 Overall Structure
3.1.2 Expression
3.1.3 Constraint
3.1.4 Declaration
3.1.5 Declarative Control
3.1.6 Temporal Control
3.1.7 Search and Optimization
3.2 Context-Sensitivity of NCL
3.2.1 Constant
3.2.2 Variable
3.2.3 Function
3.2.4 Sub-Model
4 Tutorial Programs
4.1 Getting Started
4.1.1 Input and Output
4.1.2 Default Value
4.1.3 Data Buffer
4.2 Boolean Logic
4.3 Numerical Reasoning
4.3.1 Integer Equation
4.3.2 Infinity
4.4 Date/Time
4.5 String
4.5.1 String Input
4.5.2 Concatenation
4.6 Referencing
4.6.1 Reference in a Subscript
4.6.2 Referenced Operator
4.6.3 Subscript Leak
4.7 Set Reasoning
4.7.1 A General Example
4.7.2 Attributes of a Set
4.7.3 Piecewise Intervals from a Set
4.8 Special Variable
4.8.1 Anonymous Variable
4.8.2 System Variable
4.9 Predefined Function
4.9.1 Float Function
4.9.2 Aggregate Function
4.9.3 Transformation
4.9.4 Substring
4.9.5 Elements of a Set
4.9.6 Date/Time Attribute
4.9.7 Extraction
4.9.8 Assignment
4.10 User-Defined Function
4.10.1 Cotangent
4.10.2 Global Variable in a Function
4.10.3 Query and Objective in a Function
4.10.4 Predicate
4.10.5 Recursive Function
4.10.6 Termination of a Recursion
4.10.7 Tree
4.11 Selection Statement
4.11.1 Switch
4.11.2 If-Then-Else
4.12 Quantification
4.12.1 Existential Quantification
4.12.2 Universal Quantification
4.13 Jump
4.13.1 Exit from a Universally Quantified Statement
4.13.2 Exit from an Infinite Loop
4.14 Query and Search
4.14.1 Approximate Solution
4.14.2 Search over a Float Domain
4.15 Optimization Objective
4.15.1 Single-Objective Optimization
4.15.2 Multiple-Objective Optimization
4.16 Custom Message
4.17 Soft Constraint
4.18 Sub-Model
4.18.1 Sub-Model in a File
4.18.2 Sub-Model in a Buffer
4.18.3 Return Values of a Sub-Model
4.18.4 Recursive Sub-Model
4.18.5 Overflow in Calling a Sub-Model
4.19 SQL Query
4.20 OS Command
4.21 Expectation and Debugging
5 The POEM Software Platform
5.1 Main Interface
5.1.1 Tool Bar
5.1.2 TeX Bar
5.1.3 Workspace
5.1.4 Edit Window
5.1.5 Trace Window
5.2 Configuration of a Project
5.2.1 Data Pools for a Project
5.2.2 NCL Parameters
5.2.3 Project Settings
5.3 Model Management
5.3.1 Model Folder
5.3.2 Model Library
5.4 Information Tables
5.4.1 Running Models
5.4.2 Constants
5.4.3 Variables
5.4.4 Constraints
5.5 Visualization and Debugging
5.5.1 Quick Watch
5.5.2 Browser
5.5.3 Constraint Debugger
5.5.4 Visual Debugger
5.5.5 Solution Viewer
5.6 Trace Window and Working Modes
5.6.1 Debug Mode
5.6.2 Timer Mode
5.6.3 Trace Level
5.6.4 Options for Diagnosis
5.6.5 Options for Statistics
5.6.6 Recommended Diagnosis Mode
5.6.7 Recommended Working Mode
5.7 Message Management
5.7.1 Message Levels
5.7.2 Message Types
5.7.3 Message Codes
5.7.4 Message Handler
5.7.5 Termination Status
5.8 Help on Line
5.9 Component and Server
6 Modeling and Solving
6.1 Development Principles
6.1.1 Generality
6.1.2 Data Modeling
6.1.3 Modeling Constraints and Objectives
6.1.4 Modeling Queries
6.1.5 Test and Benchmarking
6.1.6 Diagnosing a Model
6.2 Modeling Abstraction
6.2.1 Distinct Integers
6.2.2 Disjoint Sets
6.2.3 Sorting
6.2.4 Set Covering
6.2.5 Packing
6.2.6 Sum
6.2.7 Cumulation
6.3 Solving Puzzles
6.3.1 Send More Money
6.3.2 Primes
6.3.3 Integer Sorting
6.3.4 Queens
6.3.5 Magic Square
6.3.6 Sudoku
6.3.7 Magic Sequence
6.3.8 Einstein恠 Quiz
6.3.9 Calculs d怑nfer
6.3.10 Square Packing
6.3.11 Knight
6.4 Solving Hard Problems
6.4.1 Set Partitioning
6.4.2 Golf Tournament
6.4.3 Progressive Party
6.4.4 Ship Loading
6.4.5 Job-Shop Scheduling
6.4.6 Minimizing the Cost of a Heat Exchanger
6.4.7 Pick-up and Delivery
6.4.8 Exercises
7 Industrial Applications
7.1 Complexity of Industrial Problems
7.2 Production Scheduling
7.2.1 Problem Definition
7.2.2 Data Model
7.2.3 Simplified Optimization Model
7.2.4 Visualizing Time: Gantt Chart
7.2.5 Questions
7.3 Personnel Planning
7.3.1 Problem Definition
7.3.2 Data Model
7.3.3 Simplified Optimization Model
7.3.4 Visualizing Statistics: Histogram
7.3.5 Questions
7.4 Multi-Modal Transportation Planning
7.4.1 Problem Definition
7.4.2 Data Model
7.4.3 Simplified Optimization Model
7.4.4 Visualizing Geographical Information: Map
7.4.5 Questions
8 Relaxation and Decomposition
8.1 Local Optimization by Relaxation
8.1.1 Relaxation and Interaction
8.1.2 Local Optimization
8.1.3 Iterative Optimization for TSP
8.2 Solving by Decomposition
8.2.1 Solving by Model Decomposition
8.2.2 Model Decomposition for Vehicle Routing
8.2.3 Solving by Data Decomposition
8.2.4 Data Decomposition for Production Scheduling
Appendix 1 The Grammar in TeX
Overall Structure
Explicit Typing
Function Definition
Elementary Statement
Optimization Objective
Query and Search
Enumeration Mode
Query Criterion
Data Format
Compound Statement
Grouped Statement
Included File
Soft Statement
Custom Message
Existential Quantification
Universal Quantification
Data Connection
Grouped String
System Variable
Data Pool
SQL Query
OS Command
Appendix 2 The ComPoem Component
1 Introduction
This introduction is a brief presentation of NCL (Natural Constraint Language)
and its software platform POEM? (Programming in Operational and Expressive
Models). After reading this chapter, readers will have a clear idea about the main
features of NCL.
Section 1.1 gives a quick overview of some systems for modeling and solving.
At the solver level, a new algorithmic framework called “Mixed Set
Programming” is proposed. At the parser level, “Semantic Parser” based on
context analysis and implicit typing is presented.
Section 1.2 presents the NCL language and its main features in terms of
“Natural Modeling”, “Mixed Set Programming” and “Search Rules”. The basic
differences between NCL and some other systems are discussed.
Section 1.3 presents the software platform POEM, which integrates NCL and
visualization facilities for developing industrial solutions.
1.1 Modeling and Solving
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) are ubiquitous in the real world. Being
usually NP-hard, they are in general very difficult to solve. Computational complexity
theory suggests that if a problem is NP-complete (or NP-hard), then there
does not exist any algorithm to solve it in polynomial time unless P equals NP
(Garey and Johnson 1979).
In an informal manner, this section studies critical subjects on dealing with
constraint satisfaction problems: “programming framework and algorithm” and
“formal grammar and parser”, respectively for problem solving and mathematical
1.1.1 Programming Framework and Algorithm
In this section, some programming frameworks for problem solving will be
studied to show the nature of the NCL solver.
Linear Programming
Operations Research (OR) is a scientific discipline which studies management and
decision problems in various fields.
In OR, a particularly successful technique is Linear Programming which tackles
the optimization of a linear objective function subject to linear equality and/or
inequality constraints (Kantorovich 1939). In 1947, George Dantzig invented the
simplex method (Dantzig 1990) for solving linear programming problems. Based
on Linear Programming and linear relaxation, the OR community has created step
by step a mathematical programming paradigm: Linear Programming, Integer
Programming, 0-1 Programming, Mixed Integer Programming, etc. There exists a
modeling language AMPL for mathematical programming (Fourer et al. 1993).
Although originally it is not related to computer programming, compared to
other programming frameworks, linear programming is viewed in this book as
computer programming in linear models.
Logic Programming
Generally speaking, logic programming is the use of mathematical logic for
computer programming. As one of the first logic programming languages, Prolog
was invented by Alain Colmerauer and his team in Marseille in the early 1970s
(Colmerauer et al. 1973). Prolog allows programmers to write programs in a
declarative style. For a programmer, with Prolog in mind, declarative programming
becomes clearly distinguished from imperative programming of procedural
languages such as the C programming language (Kernighan and Ritchie 1988).
Regarding logic programming, this book concentrates on the study of firstorder
logic (Barwise 1977). First-order logic is mainly distinguished from propositional
logic by its use of quantifiers; compared to second-order logic, first-order
logic uses only variables that range over the domains of discourse.
Constraint Programming
Constraint Programming (CP) is a programming paradigm where relations
between variables are expressed in the form of constraints. Compared to Logic
Programming, CP concentrates more on problem-solving algorithms by reasoning
over variable domains.
Research work on Constraint Programming was started in the 1980s (Jaffar and
Lassez 1987; Dincbas et al. 1988; Colmerauer 1990; Smolka 1995). Principally,
its idea is to incorporate “solvers” into declarative programming frameworks such
as logic programming and functional programming for solving constraint satisfaction
problems. In this sense, Prolog II (Colmerauer 1982) is the first CP system if
disequations as well as equations are constraints. Different from linear programming
methods, CP breaks through the limitation of linear modeling; it studies
problem-solving algorithms in a more general way.
Mixed Set Programming
Linear solvers are efficient in solving problems of linear models. However,
algorithms of a linear solver may have the following limitation: Linear
programming handles a system of linear constraints with a linear objective
function. This means that it necessitates transforming non-linear constraints into
linear form, which may be difficult and may pose the problem of readability and
clarity to models.
Constraint Programming is a flexible programming paradigm. However, with a
short development history, its performance seems not yet satisfactory enough
compared to mathematical programming, for example, in solving problems such
as Set Partitioning (Hoffman and Padberg 1993) and Vehicle Routing (Solomon
Based on the above observation, this book proposes an algorithmic framework
called Mixed Set Programming (MSP) (Zhou 2008) which deals with constraint
satisfaction problems over the mixed domain of real numbers, integers, Booleans,
dates/times, references, and in particular sets of integers. Reasoning over sets of
integers in the sense of naive set theory (Halmos 1960) is the strongest feature of
Mixed Set Programming incorporates and combines a simplified form of firstorder
logic, numeric constraints over integers (Dincbas et al. 1988) and over real
numbers (Colmerauer 1990; Benhamou 1994; Colmerauer 1995), set reasoning
(Zhou 1998) and date/time management (Zhou 2009). Here, set theoretical
formulation is fundamental in problem modeling and set theoretical reasoning is
crucial in problem solving. Mixed Set Programming leads to an enhanced
expressive and algorithmic power for modeling and solving constraint satisfaction
Search Rules
NP-hard problems pose computational challenges to algorithms. Unless P equals
NP, no algorithm can guarantee a solution to an NP-hard problem in satisfactory
time; no matter how powerful a solver is, it is always “fragile” facing “NP-hard”.
Due to this consideration, to introduce search rules into a problem-solving
system becomes a natural idea. Search rules allow a programmer to exploit the
specific structure of a problem to well solve it. On one hand, search rules based on
the problem logic of a specific field can help to construct a feasible solution
rapidly. On the other hand, search rules can help to contain combinatorial
explosion by “regulating” the search in the solution space. The combination of
search rules and a solver makes a problem-solving system more robust.
1.1.2 Formal Grammar and Parser
A formal language is a set of strings defined over an alphabet. A formal grammar
is a set of rules for rewriting strings in a formal language. To the rules a finite set
of terminal symbols and a finite set of non-terminal symbols are associated.
Among the symbols, a special non-terminal is chosen to be the start symbol
(Chomsky 1956).
The rules describe how to produce strings according to the language’s syntax.
A string in the language is generated by applying the rules in some order, initially
on the start symbol, until all non-terminal symbols are removed. The formal language
of the grammar amounts to the set of all distinct strings generated in such a
way. In this sense, the rules are called production rules.
For the application of production rules, there is a strategy called “leftmost derivation”
which means “always rewrite the leftmost non-terminal first”. Analogously,
“rightmost derivation” means “always rewrite the rightmost non-terminal
In this book, context-free and context-sensitive grammars are used to study the
NCL language.
Context-Free Grammar
A context-free grammar is a grammar in which every production rule is of the
form “A → w” where A is a single non-terminal symbol and w is a (possibly
empty) string of terminals and/or non-terminals.
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a meta-syntax used to express context-free grammars
(Knuth 1964). Programming languages tend to be specified in terms of a
context-free grammar because efficient parsers can be written for them. Almost all
modern languages are context free and can be described in BNF (Wikipedia
For example, the language {[n ]n : n ≥ 0}, where [n denotes a string of n
consecutive [’s, can be produced by the following grammar:
?? Non-terminals: S
?? Start symbol: S
?? Terminals: ?, [, ]
?? Production rules:
S → ? (1)
S → [S] (2)
Here ? is the empty string.
For example, the generation chain for [[]] is: S →2 [S] →2 [[S]] →1 [[]]
Note that in NCL, the square brackets [] are used to denote objects such as included
file, text file, buffer and database, etc.
To simplify the presentation, the two rules can be written as below with a vertical
bar (|) separating them:
S → ? (1)
| [S] (2)
Context-Sensitive Grammar
A formal grammar is context-sensitive if all production rules are of the form “α A
β → α w β” where A is a single non-terminal symbol, α and β are (possibly
empty) strings of non-terminals and terminals and w is a non-empty string of nonterminals
and terminals.
The term “context-sensitive” comes from the introduction of α and β as a
“context” for A, which determines whether A can be replaced by w or not.
The canonical non-context-free grammar for the language {anbncn : n > 0} is:
?? Non-terminals: A, B
?? Start symbol: A
?? Terminals: a, b, c
?? Production rules:
A → aBAc
| abc
Ba → aB
Bb → bb
The form of the rules requires that in “α A β → α w β” w is non-empty.
But in practice, rules of the form “A → ?” (with ? being the empty string) may
be very useful.
For more details, readers are referred to (Chomsky 1956).
Parser, LL Parser and LR Parser
With respect to a given formal grammar, parsing is to determine if and how an input
string can be derived from the start symbol of the grammar. A parser is a program
for parsing, which checks for correct syntax, builds a data structure, and recognizes
semantic information implicit in the input (Aho et al. 1986; Grune and
Jacobs 1990).
For a context-free grammar, leftmost derivation or rightmost derivation leads to
different types of parsing:
?? Top-down parsing: It attempts to find leftmost derivations of the input by using
a top-down expansion of the production rules. LL parsers (Left to right,
Leftmost derivation) are examples of top-down parsers;
?? Bottom-up parsing: It attempts to rewrite the input to the start symbol by applying
the production rules reversely. That is, instead of derivation it works
by creating a "leftmost reduction" of the input; the end result, after reversed,
will be a rightmost derivation. LR parsers (Left to right, Rightmost derivation)
are examples of bottom-up parsers. An efficient type of LR parser is
look-ahead LR parser (LALR).
Ambiguity of a Context-Free Grammar
A context-free grammar is said to be ambiguous if there exists a string which can
be generated by the grammar in more than one way by leftmost derivation. For
example, the context-free grammar
A → A + A (1)
| A ? A (2)
| a (3)
is ambiguous since there are two leftmost derivations for the string a+a?a (Figure
?? A →1 A+A →3 a+A →2 a+A?A →3 a+a?A →3 a+a?a
?? A →2 A?A →1 A+A?A →3 a+A?A →3 a+a?A →3 a+a?a
However, for the above example there exist parser generators such as YACC
(Johnson 1979) that can disambiguate this kind of ambiguity by using the precedence
and associativity constraints.
Vagueness in Reduction
Besides ambiguity in derivation, for a LR parser there may be the problem of
vagueness in terms of leftmost reduction. In a bottom-up reduction, when more
than one rule have the same right-hand side, reduction conflicts may need to be
settled. One way to accommodate such conflicts is by introducing contextsensitive
rules; see Section 3.2.
Semantic Parser
The parsing for a description language like NCL is complex. It necessitates an
intelligent parsing system, referred to as “Semantic Parser” (Zhou 2000), to
understand natural problem formulation in mathematical logic and submits
abstract models to embedded algorithms for efficiently solving problems.
Semantic parser of NCL is different from that of an imperative programming
language such as C, logic programming languages such as Prolog and modeling
languages such as AMPL. Differences will be discussed in the next section.
1.2 The NCL Language
NCL is a description language in mathematical logic. It offers user a language,
which is fast to learn and easy to use, for modeling and solving constraint satisfaction
problems in a natural and concise way.
Designing the NCL language became its author’s idea around 1995 during his
PhD study. The idea is quite simple: Using TeX (Knuth 1984) as basic formalism
to express combinatorial problems and solving them by a constraint solver. A paper
on the first NCL prototype was submitted in December 1997 to The Third International
Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering (Zhou
1998). A formal paper (Zhou 2000) was submitted in March 1998 to The Journal
of Logic Programming, official journal of the Association for Logic Programming
at that time. The NCL language has greatly evolved in the past 10 years. Its main
features can be outlined as below:
?? Natural Modeling: Building models that are problem descriptions in
conventional mathematical logic;
?? Mixed Set Programming: Solving problems over a mixed domain of real
numbers, integers (generalized to dates/times, strings, references, etc.),
Booleans, and sets in a cooperative manner;
?? Search Rules: Supporting concise search specifications. This makes the
programming of search strategies simple and straightforward.
1.2.1 Natural Modeling in Mathematical Logic
NCL allows a programmer to describe problems naturally, within the conventions
of mathematical logic. Its semantic parser supports context-based analysis and
The NCL Natural Constraint Language presents the NCL languagewhich is a de*ion language in conventional mathematical logicfor modeling and solving constraint satisfaction problems.NCLdiffers from other declarative languages:It models problemsnaturally in a simplified form of first—order logic withquantifiers Boolean logic,numeric constraints,set operations andlogical functions;it solves problems by mixed set programming overthe mixed domain of real numbersIntegers,Booleans,dates/times,references,and in particular sets.Thebook uses plenty of examples and tutorials to illustrate NCL andits applications.It is intended for researchers and developers inthe fields of logic programmin9,constraintprogrammin9,optimization,modelin9,operations research andartificial intelligence.who will learn from a new programminglanguage and theoretical foundations for industrialapplications.
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