《雷姆·库哈斯: 小,中,大,特大》 《S, M, L, XL》 pdf 下载 txt 阿里云 lit rtf azw3 免费

《雷姆·库哈斯: 小,中,大,特大》 《S, M, L, XL》精美图片
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《雷姆·库哈斯: 小,中,大,特大》 《S, M, L, XL》书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:1885254865
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2002-10-22
  • 页数:1355
  • 价格:631.10
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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《小 中 大 特大》精选了近20年由oma及其奠基人莱姆库哈斯设计的经典作品,还有覆盖面很广的让人震惊的诗意著述,两个人的合作如同图解性的序言,在建筑项目、摄影、草图、日记摘录、个人旅行见闻演讲、神话寓言以及针对当代建筑和社会评论文章中相互交织,书的名称正体现其框架:项目和评论根据尺度进行安排。全书如同一本“字典”,通篇都是充满着冒险精神的新“库哈斯语言”。




REM KOOLHAAS is founder of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.); the firm's most important projects include the Lille Grand Palais in Lille; the Kunsthal in Rotterdam; Netherlands Dance Theatre in The Hague; Nexus Housing in Fukuoka; the Dutch House in Holland; and Villa dall'Ava in Paris, all of which are included in S,M,L,XL. Koolhaas is author of the seminal Delirious New York and professor in practice of architecture and urban design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

BRUCE MAU founded the critically acclaimed firm Bruce Mau Design in 1985. He is the author of Life Style and Massive Change.







Rose had a kitchen that was so completely alphabetized, you'd find the allspice next to the ant poison.


If there is to be a ‘new urbanism’ it will not be based on the twin fantasies of order and omnipotence; it will be the staging of uncertainty; it will no longer be concerned with the arrangement of more or less permanent objects but with the irrigation of territories with potential; it will no longer aim for stable configurations but for the creation of enabling fields that accommodate processes that refuse to be crystallized into definitive form; it will no longer be about meticulous definition, the imposition of limits, but about expanding notions, denying boundaries, not about separating and identifying entities, but about discovering unnamable hybrids; it will no longer be obsessed with the city but with the manipulation of infrastructure for endless utions- the reinvent...

Typical Plan is an American invention.It is zero-degree architecture,architecture stripped all the traces of uniqueness and specificity.It belongs to the New World.


Typical Plan is minimalism for the masses.

You can only be in the Typical Plan ,not sleep,eat,make love.


Heroically,Typical Plan delivers a world laundered of ego.

Typical Plan is westen .There is no equivalent in any other culture.It is the stamp of modernity it self


it proclaims the superiority of the artificial to the real which remains, whether admitted or not ,the true credo of western civilization ,the source of its universal attraction.

Who does not long for that histrionic branch of the profession that leapt like clowns--pathetic yet courageous--off one cliff after another, hoping to fly, flapping with inadequate wings, but enjoying at least the free-fall of pure speculation?

Maybe such nostalgia is not merely a longing for the former authority of this profession (no one can seriously believe that architecture has become less authoritarian) but simply for fantasy.

...a system of fragments.

Nothingness here would be a modified Caspar David Friedrich landscape--a Teutonic forest intersected by Arizona highways; in fact, a Switzerland.

If there is a method in this work, it is a method of systematic idealization -- a systematic overestimation of what exists, a bombardment of speculation that invests even the most mediocre aspects with retroactive conceptual and ideological charge. To each bastard, a genealogical tree; the faintest hint of an idea is tracked with the obstinacy of a detective on a juicy case of adultery.

In such a way, the interpretation of the Berlin Wall as a park enlivened by a Zen sculpture made it possible to imagine the villas along it. In Rotterdam, it was the banal givens of water and traffic, together with the reductive inventory of modern typologies, that triggered the imagination.



S,M,L,XL presents a selection of the remarkable visionary design work produced by the Dutch firm Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.) and its acclaimed founder, Rem Koolhaas, in its first twenty years, along with a variety of insightful, often poetic writings. The inventive collaboration between Koolhaas and designer Bruce Mau is a graphic overture that weaves together architectural projects, photos and sketches, diary excerpts, personal travelogues, fairy tales, and fables, as well as critical essays on contemporary architecture and society.

The book's title is also its framework: projects and essays are arranged according to scale. While Small and Medium address issues ranging from the domestic to the public, Large focuses on what Koolhaas calls "the architecture of Bigness." Extra-Large features projects at the urban scale, along with the important essay "What Ever Happened to Urbanism?" and other studies of the contemporary city. Running throughout the book is a "dictionary" of an adventurous new Koolhaasian language -- definitions, commentaries, and quotes from hundreds of literary, cultural, artistic, and architectural sources.


  • 故事情节:9分

  • 人物塑造:8分

  • 主题深度:7分

  • 文字风格:5分

  • 语言运用:7分

  • 文笔流畅:8分

  • 思想传递:5分

  • 知识深度:6分

  • 知识广度:5分

  • 实用性:9分

  • 章节划分:7分

  • 结构布局:5分

  • 新颖与独特:5分

  • 情感共鸣:3分

  • 引人入胜:5分

  • 现实相关:8分

  • 沉浸感:9分

  • 事实准确性:5分

  • 文化贡献:7分


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